
Frequently Asked Questions

This will be updated periodically.

When is the next update? Update when?

We usually create a new game version every two to three months. If no release dates have been posted, the next build will not have an exact date.

When will the next free version come out?

v0.11.7 was the last free version with new content. There will be a v0.11.8 in January/February 2025 that will fix bugs, add some new content to earlier episodes, and improve play. But there will be no major content updates available for free anymore.

When will the game be released on Steam?

When we hit v1.0, this will likely take a few years.

Will the game ever go into Early Access?

One day, yes, but there are stipulations first. We will not be doing a Steam Early Access. My publisher and I will discuss it once we get halfway done with the game. So, around Episode 12.

As for Itch.io, Early Access will happen sooner. We must finish Episode 6 and then publish an Alpha of Episode 7 for backers. Then, we will have early access to purchase on Itch, which will be updated for every episode. So, Episode 6, then 7, and so on.

How much will Early Access be?

We are planning on charging $10 to $15. That price will likely rise every couple of episodes as more content is added.

Will the finished game be on mobile?

When we finish the game, you will be able to purchase the Android version from Itch.io. You can also use Steam Remote Play to play your Steam copy on your phone. It will not be an official game on the Play Store.

Can I play the game on my iPhone?

No, Apple only allows authorized apps to be used on their devices, and they don't authorize porn games.

Has this game been abandoned?

No, this is my full-time job.

How many Episodes/Chapters will the game have?

We plan to do 24 Episodes with a post-final build, Episode 25.

How can I play the latest version?

You can only play the newest build from my Patreon or Subscribestar. Nowhere else.

When will the game be translated into my language?

I will translate it once it is closer to full release, which may take years. The game is constantly in flux, and I always go back to previous episodes and refine the dialogue. So, until the game is done, a translation wouldn't make sense.

My screen is splitting the image in half; how do I fix this?

Try this! https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/display_problems.html

Can the player character be a femboy too?

No, the story is written from the perspective of a cis man who gets his horizons broadened. Making the player character trans/gender non-conforming would completely alter the story and how Isaac views every event in the game.

Can I change how the player character looks?

As nice as this would be, the amount of work involved would be massive. It would require a complete rework of the game, redoing every lewd scene and animation to account for every possible combination. It would cost a fortune to start and then upkeep.

What is the bathroom door code?

Hazel tells you a few lines before you need to enter the code. Go back or look at the dialogue history.

Is Dave going to be a romanceable main love interest?

No, he is not.

Will there ever be a hint system for missing scenes?

No, there will not. The game is designed to be replayed and for each playthrough to feel different. Including a hint system goes against what we are trying to do.

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I know this is a long-term work-in-progress, but no joke, if you wrote any webcomics (in this universe, or otherwise), I would read that in a heartbeat. Your storytelling is legit 10/10, and if I was better at coding or creative stuff, I would work for you for free if it meant helping this along. Keep it up. 


No lie, I'd absolutely love to work on a comic one day. But hiring an artist to draw that much would probably be wild ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Iโ€™m legitimately trying to learn to draw better in a manga style; if I ever get better, Iโ€™ll let you know ๐Ÿ˜…

Will they put the Spanish language in the options at some point? I would like to, it would make the game more peaceful for those of us who speak Spanish. 


I answered that question in the FAQ

That's true, sorry, I guess I missed it when I was reading the FAQ, sorry for the inconvenience, thanks for answering. 

(1 edit)

Question if I were to buy the latest build do I have to buy it again when next build? 


On Patreon? Yeah, that's how it works. On Itch? No, once the early access drops on Itch, it's a one time payment.

Thank you for answer my question just wanted to make sure.

Deleted 88 days ago

Unfortunately, I need money to keep making the game โค๏ธ

no no i get it lol, it's just a bummer until i get money coming in so i can be a supporter

Just wanted to say i didn't mean any hate honestly, i had a horrible week and i let mix with the stuff i enjoy, so i apologize for my original comment and i look forward to being a hopefully long time supporter

Its all good dude <3 ive also had a bad week. Hope you have a good new years

So we will be able to buy the game on itch.io and continue yo get updates in the future?

That's what it says, yes.

How long do you think it'll be till the full game releases? 






Maybe even eons.

I'd say the wait is worth it. Best part is we don't have to wait buy the episodes separately. We can buy the full game and enjoy it.


Why dave is so popular? Spare some love for Noto. 



F95Zone : "Is Dave going to be a romanceable main love interest ?
Chadlord : No
Seriously tho the brain damage arguing that was happening there over that Dave scene being considered NTR pretty much shows that people over there has 0 reading comprehension skills

Yeah, it still shocks me that people think that scene is NTR. You never form a relationship with Dave. You both split apart, and he moves on, as does the player. The crying on F95 has been laughable, but I wonder if they were reading the story.

Good game sucks i cant pay for it

I hope you read the post <3


I did  I'm 19 my parents still have control of my money 


Man that is fantastic! So I can finally buy your game. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. So I'm glad we can just buy the full game rather than the episodes individually. I can't wait. The idea of customization would be interesting but I love your style alot so thanks for the update. Hope you keep the grind goin

Thank you!! :D Yeah, if this was a game in like Unity and our animations were done in an engine instead of pre-rendered illustrations, it would likely be easier to at least change the player's hair/skin.


tfw no Dave.


