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i am somewhat new to Itch and such, so i was just wondering how i download an update for a game i already had in my files since i really want to play the update i missed :P

Are you using the itch desktop app or just downloading the files?

tbf, i didnt know there was a desktop app, how do i get it?


i got it! keep up the good work btw, your game is easy S+ Tier! :3

please tell me which languages are implemented in the game?

English. I won't support other languages because the script is constantly changing and being edited. Once the game is done being written, I will look into translations. If I started translating now I would have to get it re-translated every build which would probably cost so much money to be done right.



The dialog in this game is so terrible. I had to turn it off half-way through because it started ranting about communism in a italian femboy restaurant.


So you like communism? Because I literally made a joke about how communism doesn't work xD

Also, the 'communist rant' is like 5 lines or so and only said twice.

I'm stuck, I can't get this image, could someone give me a clue please

... did we just talk on Twitter?

Deleted 255 days ago

Hell yeah!


i love this game... I just wanna make em happy.. i need more content

Oh you're gonna fucking get more content


Ah yes, a fellow MyHouse.Wad PowerPak video enjoyer~


Fuck yeees

Cant seem to enter the discord, is the limk outdated?


I'm not gay but......Hazel And Jeze got me acting up😳😳😳🥵🥵🥵jokes aside doe character design/art style hella cute to me H scenes(got me feeling🥵)are crazy good and story is interesting all in all 10 outta 10 from me can't wait for more future updates


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And its okay to like dudes in skirts <3

😂😅 well the irl  ones I've seen are a wee bit disappointing but thx!!


Love this game. The character development is top tier. The writing made me feel things. The scenes are great. Cannot wait for future updates!

Thank you so much! :D


Yeah so, this game is actually so damn peak. PEAK!!!! I love it, character designs are great, super cute art style, and great story!

Thank you!!

Deleted 236 days ago

Working on it <3

(1 edit) (+3)(-19)

The art in this game is ok. The problematic parts, that made me quit after the first sex scenes, become evident right when you start. So, first things first, we are introduced to this female-presenting character called Hazel. Just to include the stupid "boymilk" meme, she literally commits a crime and CUMS into your coffee, an act that is implied to be taking place regularly in the Cafe. In any country of this planet, that would be a giant scandal, and her life would be ruined, should it ever came to light. Apparently, the MC is retroactively ok with this, but that does NOT make it okay, even in the slightest.

The sexual harrassment continues with Hazel literally ripping your boxers off without asking, but I suppose it's ok because she's conventionally attractive and hot.

Oh, speaking of "her"; this game, despite including a Trans character, and addressing things such as gender identity, at the very least ostensibly, and being aware that trap is a, I quote, "outdated term", could not be more offensive towards Trans-people and femboys alike. Hazel is the only example of this I can cite, due to not having fully played the game: She visibly reacts positively to being referred to as a Girl and avoids referring to herself as a boy. This strongly implies her being a transfem, rather than a boy, who would insist on their male gender identity. Neither the protag, nor the narration ever dispute this, referring to them with male pronouns and even call them as a "guy", just because they possess a penis. Oh, and also, the Cafe being called an "Estro-Cafe", and Hazel, the "Femboy" literally just looking like a girl with a Penis, no visibly boy-ish traits at all, really fails to capture the whole "Femboy" thing, and looks like just another damaging mischaracterization of Femboys and Feminine Men in general. The implication is that they're on Estrogen, which you most definetly should not take unless you actually want to transition. Thank you for romantizing a damaging trend.

Then, during Sex, she refers to herself as a, I quote "sissy", and the Protag calls her a "cumdump"; that could very well be interpreted as an insult, unless you really know it's their kink. In Hazels case, we don't know upfront. They literally just met, and are already fucking.

Let's continue with the Anal Sex. Has anyone working on this game ever done Anal actively or passively? If they did, they should be aware, that it's not even close to being as simple as spreading lube over your ass and hoping for the best. Anal takes preparation, cleaning yourself etc., so unless Hazel is always perpetually prepared, just in case yet another male customer comes in that she would like to sexually harass, this doesn't make sense - oh, wait, nevermind, she claims of it to be her FIRST TIME, just so the Protag (and the Player) can have the satisfaction of taking her virginity, and of course, the Sex that follows functions perfectly despite her lack of experience and they both romantically cum at the same time, just like in my amazing H-Doujins. After that they even have the gall to say how "different" it is from porn, because you got to clean up afterwards. Kudos for the writer(s) to think about this one for more than a single second.

Anyway, I suppose if you turn your brain off, it could be erotic, or something.


I liked it when they said bussy


What tf is blud yapping about? ☠️

Deleted 236 days ago



Who hurt you that you cry a about something that happens in a ero game thats drawn? pls consult your therapist and maybe get in touch with grass and friends... my god you are a Snowflake. 

(3 edits) (+2)(-4)

"Uhmmm it's literally a GAME why are you critizising it THOUGH??"


critizising a Game is one thing thats ok but you are just telling us everything that offends you and your little tiny world. Dude I saw Porns way worse in their phrasing and even my friends, who are trans, femboy etc. play that game saying "I wish someone would say/do that. Yes it is a little harsh here and there but in the end its a kink nothing more nothing less

(1 edit) (+2)

The tags had no mention of degradation or discriminatory language, so it's fair to criticize the parts of the game that delve into such a direction. The fact that your trans friends have no problem with slurs doesn't mean that it's not an aspect that should be criticized when it isn't declared upfront. Yes, it's a porn game, but especially because of that it'd be nice if the game properly characterized trans girls and femboys as distinct groups of people that might generally like to be referred to with the fitting terms, instead of both groups being seemingly generalized as "looks female and has a cock, time to call them a boy and refer to them as a sissy", because when it is done that way, someone who is expecting proper inclusion of trans girls (as is declared in the tags) will be disappointed when there is no respectful inclusion to be seen. Criticizing flaws that detract from the enjoyment isn't "crying and being offended", it's applying standards to a game that doesn't properly match it's advertised tags and contents and instead treats the supposedly included tags as one and the same, and in an insulting way at that. If you're into degradation and femboys you will most surely enjoy the scenes, sure, but that isn't the only advertised genre you absolute gooner who can't even entertain the idea of constructive criticism to a product


I think the problem is that the original commenter, and maybe even you, haven't gotten to those characters yes. There are trans characters in the game. Hazel isn't one of them.

And I guess I'll tag that people talk dirty during sex? I honestly didn't think I'd have to tag that, but okay, I'll do that.


i dont remember seeing anyone ask the gooner for their opinion


L+ratio+who asked+L bozo


if you don't like the game don't play it L bozo 

also, im literally a TRANS GIRL. and nothing about this is offensive in any way.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

What you are is of no interest to me. I also literally stopped playing it after realizing I didn't like it and that it was pretty bad


Wow, well then.

Yeah, Hazel is a dude. There are trans characters later. Hazel is a guy. A guy who likes to be feminine. He enjoys the player character's inability to be see him as a guy and rolls with it. This is addressed.

Yes, cumming in someone's coffee without their consent is bad. This is actually addressed in the game multiple times. It is not a good thing.

Hazel isn't a perfect person, no one is. He lies and goes along with things when he shouldn't. This is called a 'character flaw'. Hazel lies about a lot of things. Like being a virgin, which he can admit to the player later that he lied because it was hotter to say it.

Hazel calls himself a sissy during sex and the player rolls with it because it's clear that Hazel likes to be degraded a bit. It seems that people have taken umbrage with me not signposting that people like to dirty talk in a porn game, so I'll amend that.

Cafe Estro is a jokey name in a porn game. Please understand the genre you are engaging with. Also the name is a foreshadow for the manager who shows up later. Hazel isn't on estrogen. I believe I even talk about this in the game, but if not, I should.

Yes, I know anal sex doesn't quite work like that in real life. (I am a guy with a husband) But this is a porn game and if I were to portray anal sex realistically it wouldn't be a very fun game now would it? It's like watching a movie and asking why the characters aren't tired, or why they haven't gone to the bathroom, or where they get their ammo from, etc. Are they valid questions? Sure. But the answer is: It's a movie. You accept these things to suspend your disbelief to enjoy them. Like characters always being ready for anal sex, or cumming together romantically. It's a story.

This is a porn game. There are genre expectations that players of this genre are familiar with which is why I don't have a scene of Hazel douching prior to sex scenes.

I appreciate that you took so much time out of your day to play my game and engage with it that you decided to write this essay. But you seem to jump to a lot of conclusions and aren't willing to participate in the story being told. You want realism but don't understand that characters can lie.

If you want a 100% realistic porn game, you are never going to be truly satisfied.


I see, thank you for elaborating and the respectful reply. Yes, me not playing to the point where the problems I mentioned are actually addressed might have skewed my view of the entire game.


Isn't your lead artist a bigoted loser that loves and supports AI art, and defended that AI edit of the butt of an actress under the lie of "protecting against the sjw and their censorship"? Because if that's true then you're a massive loser


Bro the only loser here is you, if you're talking about the fallout comic like I think you are bro legit explained what it was about and never mentioned anything about the AI, yet you would know that if you put in an ounce of effort before spouting nonsense. Then again, you're using the term "bigoted" unironically which says a lot more about you than the panel says about the artist. 

Also "protecting against the sjw and their censorship"? Wtf are you on about ☠️? The sentence, which we both know isn't a direct quote so this is purely something you wrote hence the quotations, makes no sense on a stand alone basis and even with context is still poorly written and makes no sense. The elaboration to the comic, if you could read And comprehend it, stated that it was a commentary on the desexualization and hence uglified art/characters in movies and games. Which is factual, look at how they massacred MJ from Spiderman 1 to 2, straight up Crimson-Chin ah look.

Tldr: You're goofy bruh. 


Silence idiot, and that fallout thing was based on a stupid AI edit where they altered the appearance of the main actress of the Fallout show just because her "ass wasn't fat enough", the comic is still idiotic and the artist follows and supports AI


Yeah, Kokman didn't realize the outcry was about it being AI. I know because I actually spoke to him. He also doesn't support AI and neither do I.


I wouldn't care too much what the cum guzzling, chromosome deficient, living birth defect has to say. I explained it to you, yet your response was a simple, and I mean that in every meaning of the word,  "um, ackually, it means what i said and you're just stupid 🤓 ☝️" head ahh argument. You, I'll refer to you as it from now on, want to be upset about whatever because it's a pathetic individual that should have died at birth and disposed of in the proper receptacle to later become semi useful as a homeless persons snack, assuming they have no standards and don't mistake your off brand Quasimodo-clone fetus as a fetid and diseased rodent, rotted and malformed. The description of which still holds up with you currently being built like a question mark, shrimp spine, Kyphosis spokesperson, who's posture is saggier than your mamas tits you still suck the dust out of. 


bro, being bigoted and using ai art to make a joke is completely different, I'm not a supporter of ai art being just that, but what I am fine with is people using it purely for laughs or as a tool. I feel like that's an okay stance. its one many share, the only famous example that comes to mind is moist critikal but still.


What with the lumping trans women with femboys in a game like they were the same thing? That sounds slightly transphobic I have to say

Is there a way or will there ever be a way for Hazel to be active and you passive? That would be a super rad option for those who want to be passive but don't like Vera.

By passive do you mean bottoming? Cause if that's what you mean, yes.

Yes, I meant the MC bottoming and Hazel topping (no pun intended). Is this something you can currently do or is in the works?

There is a bit of that in v0.12 and we're expanding on it as the story continues

you sure like leaving these walls of yappery in a lot of games

Is my phone that bad? Im playing on a M12 and the fps suddenly drops a lot when playing a H-Scene. Might buy a new one...

With the size of the game and the amount of things in it, it is starting to not work on some phones. We are working on a phone specific version.

Cant enter discord :(

So idk if its my game or this is a feature but on the first "scene" with hazel in the coffee shop bathroom, there was no animation for hazel. He just stared up at me and then when I hit the release option I saw a single picture of hazel and that was it. 

Again, idk if its supposed to be like that since the words seemed to be describing things that were going on and it just made sense to have an actual animation.

Other then that I really like the game so far👍

There is definitely an animation there

are you on mobile?

no im on a pc

That is really strange. I apologize, I'm not sure what is causing that.

is polyamory an option or a "requirement" in this game?
not that I'd stop playing, but it's not quite clear to me


Everything is an option

(1 edit)

thanks for answering!
great game btw

Can someone help me with downloading the game stop by step on to my phone.


This game... i didnt expect it to be so damn good like wow i really love this and the idea of poly makes me happy cuz dave surprised the crap outta me and robbie hell even jeze i want em all keep up the great work am sad now that i have to wait


Thanks for playing! <3


I love this game alot,it's one of the nsfw dating gamesvthat really tugs your heart strings and i cant wait for more content in the future to see more Hazel

PS,I will do anything for Robbie,I love him so much,Finally a good ftm charater in a nsfw dating sim 


Hell yeah! Im so happy you like it, and Robbie 😁 i love him

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Fun game, was really loving all the cute traps and whatnot, but kinda got whiplash being forced to accept Robbie unless you want the "bad" end. Could do with an option in the settings, either way, touching story.


I mean, if you're okay with a boy dressing up and acting like a girl, you should probably be okay with a trans boy doing the same thing.

Besides, if you were realistically trying to hook up with or get closer to someone who had a trans best friend and you were like "eh, actually I'm not cool with trans people" they'd drop you as fast as Hazel did.

You don't need to romantically or sexually pursue Robbie. All he is asking if for you to accept that he is a boy.

Because what else would happen? What else could I do in that scenario?

(1 edit)

Is there a way to get a black background behind the text? I'm finding it really hard to read anything

Ill add that in the next update <3


I created an account just to say that this game is really cool.

I agree with other reviews, I want more dialogues. They are genuinely insane. I thought I'd only see some femboy action, instead I got much more.

Thank you for this fantastic game :)

Keep up the good work.

P.S: The doom.wad dialogue got me straight up rolling on the floor.


Thank you so much!

there is a lot more to come  ;)


Really like Dave, hope we get more of him.

Also a emo/goth boy.


Yes, and yes.

(1 edit) (+1)

Honestly this is a first adult game that I wish had more dialog, the writing is just so good!

Edit: So I just took a look at google trends about MyHouse.wad and there is a suspicious spike around march 13 ... and I love it.

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you xD

also wHAT!?


wasn't expecting how big evil dead was gonna be in it lmao. favorite horror franchise

It definitely became a bigger element than intended XD But Kokman drew Hazel in that Ash costume and we went a little crazy.

Anyone else not able to install the mobile version.

Are you trying to install on android? bc im having the same issue 😔 every time I try to install the file, it says app not installed.

Maybe you don't have enough free space on your phone? Or do you have an old version of Android? idk, everything works fine for me

I thought it could've been space too, so I deleted some stuff I didn't need, but before the most recent update, I had downloaded the game and everything was perfectly fine, no issues (and I had less available space at that time) so i don't know what it is.


I ended up downloading an apk package installer and that seemed to do the trick! it installed, so i think it may have just been an issue with the package installer that android has

Deleted 315 days ago

What is an apk package installer? I really wanna play this game 😭

its an app that you can download that specifically installs apk files (like the game file for android on this game) I personally downloaded Uptodown to install the game file but there's many other apk package installers!

thanks mate, I appreciate that

no problem!

Hi! I came across your game on Telegram, unfortunately I came across the old version of the game 0.7.2 and I went through the whole game in a couple of hours, also opening the entire gallery, and after successfully completing it, I decided to look for the author of the game on the Internet, as a result I find out that I played the old version, now I have to download the new one and go through from the very beginning, but the game is obviously worth starting over in the second round, attractive graphics, characters are also very attractive, gorgeous voice acting and more, thank you for playing! (I'm sorry if I have mistakes in the comments, I'm from Russia and I have to use Google Translator, and it doesn't translate very well)


Hey I'm happy you liked it and made it here to get the most up to date version ;)

Just wanted to say thank you for the game:3 

Thank you for playing it! :D


I love Hazel and the fact he want to be a history professor.

He's so cute.


Can u play without the gay shit


the whole game is "gay shit", literally the first sentence is "Hello! I'm RadLord and this is my femboy lewd visual novel"


No :)


Based B)

Im playing on android, and I've gotten to Dave, and after he shows me his ass and says "just in case you wanted to take my-", it just stops. when i continue to press, no new text appears, its just the picture and the music in the background, I can still go back and access the menu, etc, I just cant continue. Any help?

Interact with the character :)

Made an account just to comment about this game lmao, the game itself is great, im constantly trying to stay loyal to hazel (bc he's great), and its really nice and makes me a lil bit emotional sometimes, but i have a problem, it get a visual glitch on the game where the screen is split and i looks kinda weird, anyways, great game, made me a little bit depressed but thats on me, lmao.

thank you so much dude :>

I got you <3

Can you please release a censored version for steam?
The game isn't accessable in germany or japan.

House Party solved this by making a censored version for steam.
And all you have to do to "patch" the game to uncensored was adding an empty .txt file in the game folder named "uncensored".

something like that. Or bring it to gog.
Or make it purchasable somewhere else. (we can't buy here in either).

many of us want to support devs but we are literally forced to pirate the games in germany.

Yeah, when I get nearer to the Steam release, I'll figure that out

lil bug. When you have sex with hazel in the first episode after seeing hat he did with the latte, you tell him, but later on you can confront him at the restaurant about it, like he doesn't already know, that you know.

Good call! Fixed :)

Deleted 261 days ago

Happy it sorted itself out xD

Looks female enough

Deleted 261 days ago
(2 edits)

Hey, just wanted to say I am in love with this game and what you are doing with it. Please don't stop this awesomeness. I also wanted to ask if this game is going to have a proper ending where all paths and routes are set and will end a certain way, or will it's just be different characters having different routes and you can progress through each character at your own pace. Again I can't express how much I love this project enough.

Much love <3

Also can i get the name of the song from when you go to meet hazel at cafe estro after just moving to jade city. :)

Endings are very fair off for me, but I hope to give every route a proper ending.

Not sure what song you mean specifically but all the music is done by lolurio.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Love the game. I almost finished the gallery and all, but there's something that I don't know how to fulfill. I guess I just have to continue working hard to find all. And I love the character of Robbie, he's so pretty and he has good taste in clothes, I love the kitty socks. I also identify with Robbie because I'm also a transmasc guy and I love pretty clothes and being feminine, which also means that I feel a little identify with Hazel. And I like the story of Jeze, I hope to see him again! 

And actually, I have been working so hard to find some polyamory games a while ago and now I find this one by accident! I've been trying to find some of them, but it's so difficult because there's not so much content. And finding an actual polyamory with femboys? GOD, I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT. I was just looking for some content because I wanted to know if I'm into it, and now I have this good game in front of me. And well, I'm not into open relationships because I can't understand very well the reason for having one. But maybe this game can help me find that out and learn about it. I'm definitely buying when it's completely finished. And maybe giving a tip.

Sorry if my writing is difficult to follow, I'm a Spanish speaker, and even though I consumed a lot of things (and talk with my family in English), writing in English isn't my cup of tea. I'm kind of lazy with it, and also reading. But hey, reading in a game is easiest than a full book. I absolutely can, but my laziness wins the majority of the time. Thanks for this game! I hope you can translate it to Spanish, Chinese or anymore languages you can when you finish the whole game. I would love helping with that, I love translating this kind of stuff. Waiting for the new updates! 🫶


I'm so happy you liked it! :D

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