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10.5 is there actually any new scenes at all and when can i suck the  d of jeze and other girls esp jeze will stuff like facesitting be in it?


A great game, liked it, hope more updates to come.


Cutest game ever


Came for the femboy bussy
Stayed for the suprisingly wholesome and damn good well made story
10/10 one of if not the best lewd games ive played on

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

I love this game, makes me want some hazelnut coffee :3. 

 wont install on Android, when ever I go to install it from the apk it just says app not installed 


If you're trying to update, uninstalling seems to fix the problem.

I have a noob question. How do I play it? I downloaded for my iPhone but idk how to run it? 


You cant run adult games on ios


Happy pride month y'all 


Came for the barista, stayed with hazel (this made me question my life now). But this is an actually good visual novel game! You can literally feel each of the character's personality and it's funny references. Can't wait for new updates!


Hey RadLord, do you have in mind adding hints to unlock all the pics and animations from the gallery?


7.8/10 porn

100/10 references


the game is Downloading why is everyone calling the owner transphoipic 


I guess because i included trans people in my game?

Anyway, hope you like it!


they think you are transphobic because apparently fetishizing trans folks is a big issue now but i don't think they know what fetishizing is

Im the biggest chaser here


Eu também não sei como encontro essas imagens, só falta essas para completar o jogo / I also don't know how to find these images, I just need these to complete the game.

when you go see hazel again and then go to your apartment alone 

play with your phone and you unlock all of them


How do I get the scene on the left? / Como eu pego a cena da esquerda?


Pretty sure you go and visit Jeze and you'll get that scene.


W femboys I need more I NEED IT


Will there be any Chastity play, willing or coerced?


Damn since when did i had a kink for femboys wth


Welcome to salvation 

(1 edit) (+6)(-4)

came for the femboy porn, stayed for the philosophical conversations and goofy references


Yo, I just want to tell you that the creator of this game and his lead artist are transphobes


how? for not stating that it had trans until someone already pointed out and it got fixed almost immediately? or is because the trans character haven't had surgery, even though that probably makes it more realistic since its a zero percent chance someone in a failing business or a dead end job can afford any kind of bottom or top surgery.


Common Zduy L, smh.


ah yes, a game with a trans man as one of the main characters was created by transphobes


;) happy to be of service

Deleted 126 days ago

 No I'm not trans 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

in chapter 3? I think its chapter three, when your packing up to leave and hazel texts you, are the players texts not having any words a bug or intentional. 

ps: the music feels so warm I thought I was playing stardew valley for the first time again.


It's a known bug that is fixed in v0.11

okay thank


this game made me realize 2 things, 1. I like femboys, and 2 how much of a fucking nerd i am


Glad to hear it ;)

All men love feminine ass so dont worry youre not gay, atleast not fully gay, its only 2.97% homosexual because feminine features, now if you want to shift gears (iykyk) its 25% gay

So you are fine kind sir


Out of everything i expected from this game i didn't expect to see a reference to a ton of movies and MyHouse great game and loved the art style



Bro this game actually got me invested into myhouse, ive never played doom. Also first vid i saw was powerpak


Awesome game, why you don't want to put force feminization? like a boobs!! hehehehe would be awesome!! another thing... make more scene with footjob's !!! that would be the best game ever!!! for the last one ... when is going to be the release the next episode???


I'm sorry to disappoint, but I am never ever going to do force feminization.

I am not even remotely into it. It's way hotter if they feminize themselves because they want to.

Deleted 60 days ago

Im happy you like it!

we're going to have 3 different backgrounds for the text in the next update ;)


Yo! Just wanna say, absolutely love the game, I will probably sound real weird for this bit this is the first porn game that actually has me attatched to a character and actualy sad when i have to wait for an update.

Keep up the good work! :)

Glad to see I'm doing my job well ;)


I genuinely play porn games for the plot. 


More options to fuck dave pls (Also can you add like have sex with him but with no femboy outfit?)

Btw is there gonna be role swap like hazel on top and protagonist in the bottom?


Maaybe xD Dave is a side character, so he is not going to pop up all too much.

And yes.


Deleted post

A sequel? This isn't even done yet xD

(1 edit)

Are you sure you're not the femboy in the wed-

Also any plans for the icon? It's nothing big but would be a nice add-on



hello devs, i love your game and now I question my sexuality now

when will the next update released?


Glad to hear it ;)
and I am working on it!
The next alpha is going to be released to my $20+ backers soon
Not sure when it will eventually get to the public
But you can always follow me on Patreon or Subscribestar for updates ;)

Any new updates??

The next alpha is going to be released to my $20+ backers soon

Not sure when it will eventually get to the public

But you can always follow me on Patreon or Subscribestar for updates ;)


I'm curious if there are any plans for non-hazel paths. Just for variety. Like perhaps you end up in a relationship with one of the other characters primarily instead, or if the plan is all hazel, all the time. Don't get me wrong. Hazel is incredible, and I have no plans to cut him out, just curious about what the vision for the game is, only found it yesterday so I'm not exactly up to speed on the grand plan


Every character has their own path for dating JUST that character. And also you can have different combinations of characters in a relationship. I'm trying to make it very customizable, but we'll see if that kills me xD


Quite enjoyed my time with this, despite it being outside my usual interests. Trying to make sure ive seen everything. I'd like to see the scene gallery use the same system as the image gallery. Show a lock and a title that may give a clue as to where that scene happens. I don't mind replaying the game for new stuff, but when I get to the point where I hold skip down to get to the next choice hoping I'm going to find something new, I not only get a bit annoyed after a while (in general, this game isn't long enough yet to really bother me) but I also kinda feel bad for skipping content you spent time on, even if I've already read it. Titles would give me hints so maybe I go "oh if I say something else here I wonder if the scene I get changes" I could thrn make a note, or even an extra save at that choice. Also, I just like consistency, and seeing the 2 galleries use different rules just bothers my ocd lmao. 

All that said, looking forward to more!


Yeah the lock is coming back and were revamping the gallery

no hints tho xD

Fair. Ill take what i can get


Will we get an option to choose a non polyamory relationship later?


Yeah, episode 5 is going to open with deciding what relationship you want with Hazel or Robbie or both or neither.


What with putting trans women characters into a game advertise as a femboy game? That sounds lowkey transphobic, like there's a trans man femboy in the game, and that's great because trans men can be femboys, but why the trans women characters lumped into the mix?

Deleted 292 days ago
(3 edits) (+11)(-4)

Okay so I've been thinking about this for like a whole day now.
and I admit you have a point. The game is styled as a "Femboy visual novel" and yet one of the characters is a trans woman.

Transphobic? I don't think so. Of the 7 main love interests, 1 of them is a trans woman. Why? Because I was writing and she happened and was an interesting character so I pursued it.

She is never referred to as a femboy in the game and it is made clear she is a woman. Every trans person I've run this by has loved it.

Now, sure, I should maybe change the advertising. Even though on my Itch page I say

So I don't think I'm lying or obscuring the fact that trans women will be in the game. It's just that the majority of the LIs are femboys.

But, here is my genuine question: What do I do?

Like, 10% of the game is trans girl. The rest is femboy. It is the biggest part of the game. Do I say "A Femboy Visual Novel That Also Has a Trans Girl" like idk what to do here. I feel like it's not a big deal that the little tag line calls it a femboy game but the actual description says that there is more to it than that.

But you tell me.


You aren't getting me, the game is basically a femboy hentai game, almost every option are femboys, except for the trans women, and that's my problem, why the other option of femboys are trans women? Lumping trans women with femboys is lowkey transphobic, as you're insinuating that they're "basically the same thing", when not at all, femboys are men while trans women are women


I am not lumping in trans woman with femboys and I never ever insinuated that they are basically the same thing. That's all you. I have never said any of that or even remotely implied it at all.

We haven't even fully dived into the trans woman's story yet. And she is only the first. More are coming.

Why a trans woman or women in a femboy game?

Idk dude, I just like feminine people and dicks so that's what my game is about.

Why are you so against me having variety in my game? Do you play like Dragon Age and get mad that you can ALSO be gay in this predominantly straight game?

This is such a weird critique cause I am basically having to respond to your projections about my game rather than what is actually happening.


Well, if they're cis women options in the game too, then I feel like it would be less transphobic, because right now trans women being lumped as an alternative to femboys is just weird


Look, the incredibly stupid comic that your lead artist made, making a bad faith argument using something derivated from AI editing.And would you look at that, he follows AI "artists", basically supporting them. Heck it's the same person that made the Fallout poster AI edit


Its my understanding that femboy can be an in between step for some trans women in their journey. For example nano-nano at first identified as a femboy but now identifies as a trans woman. Kinda like how bi-curious or heteroflexable can be a step to identifying as bi or pan (this one is from my experience). It also seems for some to be an identity on its own (like heteroflexable). Mind you this is just based on my observations as a bi cis-man. I would love the perspective on this from a femboy or trans woman.


While yes, some trans women were femboys before identifying as women, that still doesn't mean that femboys and trans women are the same thing or even remotely close to being the same thing


Not attempting to conflate the two, just curious if i had concluded correctly about some people passing thru one on the way to the other. I actually have not gotten to the point with the character in question. I understand the importance of gender identity and wouldent dream of delegitimizing any ones lived experience like that. No offense intended. Thank you for your input.

I mean, having actually played what's available for free, and being a transwoman myself, both the player character and the lead femboy are sensitive about trans people in a way that indicates the writer being familiar with the topic. 

The currently only available scene with the transwoman in the game isn't the same dynamic as the other characters. 

None of it strikes me as phobic or even misinformed, I can't really tell you not to find it distasteful if you do but I think it's disingenuous to imply that it comes from malice. 


Keep doing good. I am wait for more update.


Thank you! Working on it :D


Am gay
Hazel made me more gay




I'm not gay, but I would if I was pc


Fellas, is it gay to like feminine looking people?


am I still straight after playing this? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

10/10 would become gay again.

Deleted post

I'm so happy I've made so many people gay. I'm really doing an important job.

Bug in v.0.10.5: 

Just after the first Dave going out scene. When waking up, texting Hazel. The text by the player is invisible.

Thank you! We have that fixed for v0.11 ;)


Absolutely dying at the dialogue in this. Loving the evil dead references and was shocked at the My House reference 😭

I enjoy adding my niche interests ;)


Amazing work, didnt know i was into femboys until i found this game, suddenly i love boy's in skirts, does that make me gay? Yes.

Also i enjoyed quite a lot the interactions, they are funny and interesting. Fucking love this game man. wish i had a job to support its development


Hell yeah, added another to the cause :D

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