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Love femboys, but seeing the cheating tag there is kinda damn gross. Is it avoidable or is it the usual cuckshit being a core part of the game? 


Avoidable. Cheating is up to you.


Small note for the new version, when you are asked to enter the code into the bathroom door, you have to actually type it with your irl keyboard instead of clicking on the buttons in-game. I spent like 5 minutes trying to click anywhere on the screen so just letting you all know to save some hassle.

one more thing: this game is amazing. and that pun in the title is just incredible.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I added something to call that out in 7.2 :)


the old artist was a lot better, whyd u change it

They left the project so i had to redo all the art to keep it consistent.


Old art was mid don't listen to bro


i love the new art tbh i kinda thought the old art wasnt that great

Overall I'd say this game is really good! The artwork is nice and the background music is nice too.

I'm a transfemme so parts of this game were a little off-putting like seeing "trap" and "chaser" only being applied to effeminate men, but based off of your "future tags" section I can assume that you're at least aware of their other connotations within the trans-community. 

The player character, who by default is Isaac, is a character I struggled to like at first. He and I are very different, politically and socially. He's outdated like the game points this out repeatedly. I appreciate you taking time to educate him and any potentially readers who might not be as educated on gender nonconformity and the like. I fucking love that he's probably pan though. I too love people, nothing else to it. 

I very much so connect with Hazel as a character. He's a lot like me (except I'm not a dude who dresses feminine, I'm a trans girl who dresses feminine occasionally). He's kind and full of grace to give unto others.

And that's my personal investment in your game, RadLord. I wanted to treat it fairly and respect the time and effort you've put into it. Good work. Wish I could be a t-girl but I want that in every game I play. Don't stress yourself out by adding more work than you have to.

also god, men are so pretty...


hope you get more confident wearing feminine clothes in public :))) (btw idk if transgirl is f to m or m to f so sorry if this comment is a bit weird)

not weird at all! trans fem/trans femme is a gender neutral term that refers to someone who is trans but feminine presenting, generally a term that includes nonbinary people who like feminine clothing but aren't trans women (like myself). trans women/girls are typically mtf but some people (like myself) will use trans woman or trans girl to simplify, because the honest answer is sometimes more complex. So I call myself a trans girl because I like the word girl applied to me bc I'm feminine, but I don't use woman or trans woman to describe myself because that feels too off base.

of course, I can't speak for everyone, that's just how I use those terms. 

Thank you pingopongo!! i really appreciate it! I do like wearing feminine clothing in public and generally do. I've got a big gothic kilt with pockets and it's my absolute favourite. hope you're having a wonderful day!


so just to clarify, ur nonbinary but a little feminine leaning? also ur style of clothing sounds cool , i love gothic clothing :)))



(1 edit) (+1)

I cant seem to get the very last picture in replay gallery, am I missing some obvious choices, or some choices are some kinda patreon paywall ?

Nothing is paywalled 😇 just keep exploring choices and youll get everything

Welp, gonna go and try harder then x.x


Anyone how i can get the "hazel's cream" gallery image and the final gallery scene? I think i have tried if not every run posibly almost all the options

PD in case radlord see my message: This game is amazing i love every update you make, i know this is a porn game but i love the scenes that are just pure love without sex in the middle, you are making the H game i needed


Im so happy youre enjoying the romance with the lewd! I was worried people wouldn’t xD


A rare gem with Femboy VN. Not often I find a good VN with cute femboys. Didn't know the term "Traps" is considered outdated nowadays since Bridget from Guilty Gear haha. The scenes are pretty sexy and Hazel is a cute girl.

Hazel is a boy, but I'm happy you enjoyed it 😁


Haha I know Hazel is a boy, just a compliment to Hazel as a "girl". I find Hazel biting his underlips the sexist part, actually for a VN, all the characters have alot of expression. Hope to see further chapters in future. Would be hot if MC give Hazel a "Rimming" act

i have news for you buddy

I think the new version is bugged since it's not letting my enter the bathroom code, I've deleted the game and everything and it still won't let me enter the code.

This is the first I'm hearing about this.
What are you playing on?


And are you typing in the code Hazel gave you? 

I figured it out, I had to type the code when the MC says "Wait, what was the code?". You should probably highlight it in a different color so other players don't get confused like me.


best femboy game, I played it on my cell phone with the joyplay and it was excellent


Im happy you liked it! Working on an android port ;)


We REALLY need more femboy porn games like this.


We really do!

i think here a bug in the file, it only shows me the Lib folder


Does the game work?

Yes,i think it was a error of my computer,dont worry, your game is incredible

(1 edit) (+4)

Great game, we definitely need more femboy porn games. One question though, I got every scene but the final one in the gallery. How do I get the last one?


Its a secret 😇

if ur talking abt the replay gallery, you just have to pick bloody muscle body builder when hazel asks what your fav evil dead movie is. btw if you have all the scenes, how do you get the one in the middle for replay?


Love your game! It's one of the few lewd VN's where I don't cringe by just looking at it.

But please don't do an Android version and just focus on getting the PC one into good shape. Too many VN's have lost a lot of quality by also catering to the Android crowd...

(Maybe doing one after you have brought the main game into full shape and it's coantent/feature complete. Parallel development of different platforms increases the load by a LOT in my experience)

Im so happy youre enjoying the game! 😁

And I've been avoiding the android stuff. I'm tempted to do it at some point, but yeah, this is a PC game 😉


Oh please please please do android! Not many games out there doing the femboy justice, you really have a gift here I absolutely love it. This game deserves to be on all platforms.


You can play this game in joiplay

No you cant since Android 11 thats why its dosent get Updates anymore


Not making an Android version of this game seems like a crime based on the pictures and description


Maybe one day. I've tried in the past and it didn't work that well. And I'm very focused on just making a good game rather than spending more time trying to figure out mobile stuff. 


Best Femboy game Ive played 😎 exicted for future updates!


Appreciate you saying that!! We're trying to make it The Femboy Game! New update in the works 😉

When android port?

this is a pc game


my honest reaction to this game:


I have no idea what that means.


the gaem is good

We always asked the barista for the Forbidden Latte, but not like this.

Not like this...


You can avoid it ;)


Some of us don't want to avoid it. Bring that forbidden Latte!

The game bugs and I can't click on anything, how can I fix it?


Deleted 1 year ago

Working hard on it 😏

Deleted 1 year ago

This is a safe space, you can admit who you are here

(1 edit) (+3)

Here's hoping we can Jeze to join Hazel and the MC in a cute hot throuple in far future :3 hehe

Thanks for making this stellar game! <3


Stay tuned ;)

And thank you!!


Thanks for the disclaimer at the beginning of the game, appreciate it as someone who worked retail for 7 years. 


As someone still working retail, i couldnt not add it 😎

God bless.


i played the whole game, pretty good, got all the bad endings, all the scenes, and i think i have chosen every option, pretty good, would be nice if you added a gallery and the sprites are different sometimes like when you're talking from him to when you're in a scene (i'm assuming you're upgrading from the more basic looking one), but other than that, i wish you the best in developing this game further and i cant wait for 0.7, i also suggest any other femboy enthusiast to play it!

Gallery added to the newest update! 😏

I'm glad you liked it! 🤠

i havent been able to access the new content on v0.6. I can only go through the first act where you order the special and see hazel in the kitchen

Are you unable to get to the restaurant date?

Hello,i have a problem 

When i enter the game it gives me black screen but the text is appear 

How can i fix it

Pretty sure you just gotta keep playing.

I started the game and facing the same problem 

Any solution?

There is a black screen and text for the first 20 lines before arriving in the cafe.

i finished these lines and entered the cafe but still the same issue 

Then I'm sorry, I have no idea. No one else has reported this problem.

(1 edit) (+1)

hey! i'm having an issue: whenever i reach the choice of looking for hazel or waiting, no matter which i pick, my game just... stops. for example, when i choose to look for hazel, no text appears after "if she fell, who would know?"

i don't know if i've done something wrong, or if renpy has just decided to reject my computer... i think this game looks fantastic and i'd really like to play it through. i play on a windows surface; if anyone knows what the issue is, please let me know!

EDIT: my goodness i'm an idiot. i had to interact with the background. off to toss myself down a deep hole (pun unintended but fitting).


Listen, it's all good. I have had this reported to me so many times.
In my next build I'm gonna do a little shout out that something has to be done, so you're not alone.

(1 edit) (+1)

Loving the game! I was wondering, do you know if there will be an option to change the player character's skin color at some point? Sorry if you've answered that already and I missed it.


As dope as that would be, I'd have to check with my artist to see if that level of redrawing would be okay with him

(1 edit) (+3)

I never write coments of games I've tested but man, I loved this game so far, I thought the premise was cool, but once I started, I could only stop when all the content was gone.. sadly.. ;-;

t's been a while since I've connected so much with a game, but anyway...

I'm looking forward to the next updates.

And keep going man, u have my support.. emotionally at least..

I can't support financially right now but when I can, I sure will.

Sorry for my English it's not my native language, i had use google translate to help me out lol :3


I'm happy you're enjoying the game!! :D Just you liking it is enough for me. New update in the works ;)

Would you release a 32-bit version? After downloading it, I was left with emotion.


Vamos fazer o teste, apesar de ser usuário de Android, posso utilizar a versão de PC, através do joiplay.


"I just like people" what a good phrase. I'm glad there is a femboys game! I came looking for copper and found a diamond




Are you going to make a mobile version?


Ive already answered this a lot but right now?


Deleted 1 year ago

Hope this helps

Deleted 1 year ago

Try clicking on any door


I downloaded the new version and wanted to see whats new now Im filled with sadness ]:

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