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I don't usually have this kind of taste in games, but I really like the art style of this game. Keep it up! Don't forget to take a break if you're tired.

Hello, I've asked you a while ago about the possibility of appearing your page on Boosty. Did you make a decision? Just want to make sure that you decide not to make a Boosty page or there is any hope 😅


I dont see Dave! I think the best scene in 0.10 is it!


They don't use ai witch immediately makes it top tear❤️

Anyone else get an error when they try to stage the app on Android?

(1 edit) (+5)

i need hazel to rail me


Can he?

does anyone have an updated link of their discord  its invali


I really care more about this game than GTA 6. I want this out before GTA 6.

(1 edit) (-1)

This guy is nowhere near done yet, maybe the game will be released in the next year or two.


(1 edit) (+2)

Demo was fantastic very excited for full release in however long it takes.

Keep up the excellent work

Also this is random as heck but the MC liking ginger ale took me by surprise cuz that's my favorite soda and you don't often see it getting the recognition it deserves.

This game is so good thanks for that game i am so excited for the next update 😀

Is there a way I can pay with my card, PayPal isn't letting me link in my Canada card


Thats a question for Itch customer support, i just make gay porn <3

Fair enough 

I hope that we could give one of them femboys a blowjob in a update

You literally can. Just not in the free demo.

Where to but the full one

(1 edit) (-1)

My guy, read the devlog literally above this. The latest supporter release is out on Patreon for supporters. That's been true for almost 4 months.

Hey I noticed this wasn't on the F.A.Q. but will uptading to the newest version stop reseting all of my progress?

The game is in development so there is always the possibility that a new update will require you to redo all your progress.


First day in the bathroom get only a blowjob from hazel doing that and in the femboy resteraunt he will give us a footjob. 

Its beautiful that people are still discovering this.


Your game is just beautiful in general.

I'm lost. I'm replaying to see this threesome scene with Robbie and Hazel (both beautiful people they been fuckin even during the relationship with mc?) I didint do any sex scene besides with hazel. So what am I missing?

i love the game i gona buy later ..i have expectatives for one lewd cene where vera is on top i loved de bwj cenes from vera and hazel


I loved the idea of the game, but it would be good if I had other languages like PTBR since I don't know English ...

Not for a while. I explain more in the FAQ.

i love the game i gona buy later ..i have expectatives for one lewd cene where vera is on top i loved de bwj cenes from vera and hazel

yo can you let me know when hazelnut latte comes out on steam

Read the FAQ

Mais um Br avistado


I literally threw my headphones off and did a silent scream when myhouse.wad was mentioned 

does the game have translations?

Nope, check FAQ

oh, ok thx


Are you not planning to translate it?




So good game


is it just me or is robbie's lip thickness not consistent across sprites

What is the song used for the main menu? It is really good

Will there be a Spanish translation?For those of us who don't speak English . By the way, the juice looks great

Tienes pensado hacer una traducción al español para los que no hablamos inglés??

Nice, very nice :3
Can anyone recommend similar games?

Hey can someone tell me how to repeat and do The new scene with Vera on free roam/ after story?

Well seeing as that isn’t released on Itch and only on my Patreon I'm not sure youre going to find much help here

Can you tell me?

Yeah man, message me on patreon <3

Gostei muito, continue com o bom trabalho!


I was kinda hoping for a femboy MC, or at least an option for how the protagonist looks at the start. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I'm someone more interested in seeing femboy-on-femboy if you catch my meaning.

(2 edits)

I'd love to be able to more easily self-insert myself as the protagonist with a basic character customizer. Though as an artiat, I understand how much effort the smalleat change(s) can be.

So some examples of what I'd consider "easier" additions might include: hair style/color, eye color, facial hair, etc. 

A harder addition would be clothing and/or body types, for example: feminine/androgynous, skinny, muscle skinny, average, dadbod/chubby, built, and muscular/giga-chad.

Depending on how the game was made, cock size for not just the player character, but even the whole cast might be a relatively simple change OR a massive undertaking.

That said? I 100% love, appreciate & respect this game, your time and effort and thank you dor your generosity in sharing it!


Hey, I'm going to tackle both of these comments at the same time since they touch on the same thing.
I have this in my FAQ but I'll repeat it here.
I'm not going to have the option for a femboy MC because it would mean the script and story would need a drastic overhaul. The story is from the perspective of someone who is a cis man discovering he is into femboys/transgirls/non-binary people. Having the player character start already a femboy would mean a new story.
Which is part of the reason why I also don't have a character creator. Everything would have to be taken into account. Body type, skin color, gender. Which means writing the game multiple times from different points of view. Which is... a lot of work.
The other reason is, the game is a glorified slideshow of images and text. Every piece of art is hand done and then hand animated. If this was a game in Unity and the assets were 3D we could more easily switch out Hair, Skin, Clothing. But it's a pre-rendered asset. So we'd have to draw every scene multiple times and reanimate it multiple times and we'd end up with the file size of a CoD game.
These things are nice, but for an indie team barely scratching by, it's untenable. 
I am happy you both enjoy the game though <3

I appreciate the reply and respect the sound reasoning. Thanks for your time, not everyone can be bothered to.

You be damned, RadLord! Cus now I consider searching for femboy husband, you rascal))). Absolutely will buy it on steam when it out. Would be nice if moneymaking process will be a bit hard. Also really hope for smoother animation cycles and more situational outfits/cosplays for Hazel (Goth themed one pls) 

P.S. Kokman art is dam good... с sisik-pisik вообще порвало, ирод))).

I honestly hope it doesn't be hard. I'm in it for the story and amazing beautiful characters and music.

I'm happy you liked it! If you're talking about the money earning on the Patreon build, then that's just the first stage of implementing those systems. We will do more, but it will never be "hard" because we don't want it to be. We're adding gameplay elements, but at our core, HL is a visual novel.

one of the best nsfw games I've ever played, I was impressed by the details of the conversations, it's not just another generic hentai that only serves to relieve yourself, it has a lot of potential, I'm eagerly awaiting the full game, I wish more content would be added with Vera and Dave , I will be happy to subscribe to pantreon.

Hey got a question for anyone that has an answer but I encountered a bug where when you meet hazel in the start and she goes to get milk and you get the option to check on her I click that and it goes to nothing and just doesn't progress also the same bug when I try to go to the theater with her but I can't progress so I'm kind of stuck, any fixes? (restarting my game does not work)

Click on doors.

Yeah I meant to come back and delete the post but the artwork trips me out cause I forget it's interactable but that's on me but thanks for the quick response and so far loving your game btw got to the part where you decide how the open relationship is but was wondering if it's fully open then does that mean it's only the player getting into relationships or do the other characters date others as well?

The other characters arent going to date anyone else

(1 edit)

Tell me, please, how did episode 4 of the threesome with Robie and Hanzel go?

How to arrange a threesome with them?


There's a foursome? Threesome how?

Howdy, I read the FAQ and was wondering when you were planning to post the paid version? I'd be happy to pay here on Itch or Steam but I don't like Patreon.

Like I said in the FAQ
We must finish Episode 6 and then publish an Alpha of Episode 7 for backers. Then, we will have early access to purchase on Itch, which will be updated for every episode. So, Episode 6, then 7, and so on.

Ah gotcha, sorry for missing that.

Is it possible to translate into Japanese?


Read the faq <3

Thank you. You are kind.

i've encountered a problem, when i come to meet Robbie, they says how they feels in their body, and then my character just gets mean, and i get a game over, and i can't do anything to avoid that

Youre probably loading from an older save making that convo glitch. Making a new game will fix it.


I just finished the demo and was wondering how much more content is there in the patreon version?

Patreon is on v0.12.4

this game probably made me doubt my sexuality 

leaving that aside, i never been into femboys or similar stuff, like i just saw this and said "fuck it" and downloaded it.

I must say, i regret nothing, the game was really entertaining and fun to play to, the lewd scenes are well animated and how you can keep the game "sfw" 

I really loved the story, would love to know more about robbie or what happened to dave since we left lol

even more how vera is gonna confront all of the mafia thingy, why not gambling? 99% quit before they hit it big /jk

i know updates take a lot, at the moment im poor so sorry, but this game was really good, hope you can get it on steam 

Nao sei se é um bug ou se é o meu notebook mas, ao clicar em 'skip' o jogo crasha

Its probably crashing because when you skip youre making the game load and unload images, text and animations very quickly. 

So if you don't have the best device, it will crash.

Ok... thanks bro

Muito legal, animaçoes boas


Ugh ): I finished the demo. The full game can't come soon enough. So we owe that sleeze bag money to keep the coffee business for vera and Hazel. (Btw I love how you give a choice of vera dominating) I got one question in the next demo scene we can earn there a deadline? How will we get enough money to give to that mob boss asshole?


I'm happy you enjoyed it! Just so you know, the full game is a few years away <3
Earning money shouldn't be in the demo, it's only available in the paid Patreon version.
And yes, there is a deadline. But every episode is 1 week in the game, so you can replay a week over and over until you decide to move on to the next episode. Making money matters but I don't want people to grind.

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