I am a Chinese person and I really like this type of game, but I don't know English. I would like to ask if this game has Chinese or if you have any plans to create Chinese, machine translation is also possible
Now hear me out I myself am a straight male and as a straight male I love beautiful girls and now even though these characters are biologically MALE but.... Seem feminine enough and as long as they're feminine and have a hole... I mean cmon now can't really judge me right?
I don't know to be honest I don't feel attracted to men or masculine energy that much but I do feel attracted to women which is feminine energy, and femboy(not irl femboy I know those are male when I look at then straight away) like the femboy in this game its hard to tell its a male soooo who care as long as you feel good
If you want to play this game, download the game windows version, download joiplay from play store, download ren'py plugin by joiplay in playstore, and done.
yeah, I dunno if all ren'py games works in joiplay, or maybe you don't know how to use joiplay, just search up in google how to use joiplay. or maybe it's your game file just extract the zip file put what joiplay need.
Well then I am catering to the 10%. I love femboys. I'm engaged to a femboy. This game is for the femboy lovers. Go play Harem Hotel or What a Legend. Those are some great straight games.
If at all possible It would be nice to have an option to choose what pronouns we refer to Hazel as. since we go through most of chapter 1 referring to Hazel as a she. I would prefer calling Hazel by she/her, though it's not a huge deal if not.
Great game so far, looking forward to seeing more.
by any chance once more development is done can u guys think about the idea of making it so we can turn the femboy into a normal girl at the start of the game? i really wanted to play i love the art that ive seen until i noticed the person i was looking at is a dude and ngl im not into that shit personally kinda disappointed because most these new games didnt catch my eye and the 1 that did doesnt even appeal to me
Not closeted but i have expectations especially by porn games the thing is there are just only a few femboy games you can play if you are not in Japanese writing or you have LA Emulator and you search endless on Japanese Websites and you must see there are a diffrence between a femboy and a simple crossdresser the femboy hase a feminine face and body shape its like a shemale but flat and on the right places thin sure you wouldn't find any femboys in reality with this shape but look it's a game that means it could be like in you nicest fantasys and a body with that you want to breed also when it not functions and we as people's they have luck to could say it's not finished we have the chance to constructive criticism for a better result sure there are many tastes out there but if you would take all like it is without say anything like c**ksucking by the chef all would be like it is
You don't underst what i would say i have never said you should make a second hole on hazel but if you have read the answer to "JayRipley" completely maybe you understand what i meant yea i think there are too little Femboy games out ther but exactly that is the point why wants to help even if it's not wanted but you must look what you want to do i literally want to give you a hint for the body shape professor Lando has made a since of it he is the Professor of fetish or the femboy professor and especially at the date hazel don't look like a famboy he looks more like a crossdresser what i mean is the body looks to masculine for a "fem"-boy
the first design in the coffee shop was realy nice but you didn't have made the eyes feminine at the sex scenes and in late artworks is the body to masculine and the new titlepicture is a bad Break in style
I downloaded this game expecting just porn. I definitely didn't expect a captivating plot too! I really enjoyed the game thus far, and I look forward to seeing what lies in this game's future!
Barely 30 seconds into the game, came to the comments to see if anyone else had mentioned it. As an escaped $bux barista that little disclaimer filled me with joy. It was super necessary.
It's my goal that once the game opens up and I go insane from adding in a bunch of femboys, that you can opt in or back out of anything. So if/when I add the POV bottoming, it will be optional :)
← Return to game
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Hope this helps
Try clicking on any door
I downloaded the new version and wanted to see whats new now Im filled with sadness ]:
idk man, seems like it'd get shut down for fda violations :\
Its just alternative milk
Locally sourced and organic with no preservatives
would be quite comical if at the end, the place got shut down.
I've been bogged down at my retail job training new people.
I'm posting it today when I get home ❤️
is it just me or does anyone else have this problem
What are you running this on?
were you able to fix it?
i have the same problem too
can you play as a girl?
Nah, youre a dude
How can I run this on ubuntu?
I have no idea what that is
its a linux
Well, I don't have a Linux but theoretically the Linux version should work..
Yep, the thing is that I didn't knew how to run it, tried to run it at a terminal but didnt work
The whole comment is Machine translation
I am a Chinese person and I really like this type of game, but I don't know English. I would like to ask if this game has Chinese or if you have any plans to create Chinese, machine translation is also possible
I would love to do translations of my game.
I don't think I have the money for that right now. But one day <3
Thank you. I hope one day you can translate this game. I really like the two games you made
Now hear me out I myself am a straight male and as a straight male I love beautiful girls and now even though these characters are biologically MALE but.... Seem feminine enough and as long as they're feminine and have a hole... I mean cmon now can't really judge me right?
Liking Femboys ain't gae, it just means that you have a strong relationship with the homies
I remember when I was you.
i remember you was conflicted
misusing ur influence
sometimes i did the same
abusing my power full of resentment
you are bisexual
I don't know to be honest I don't feel attracted to men or masculine energy that much but I do feel attracted to women which is feminine energy, and femboy(not irl femboy I know those are male when I look at then straight away) like the femboy in this game its hard to tell its a male soooo who care as long as you feel good
Can we get an Android version too ?
If you want to play this game, download the game windows version, download joiplay from play store, download ren'py plugin by joiplay in playstore, and done.
It doesn't worked :(, for me idk if I did something wrong
yeah, I dunno if all ren'py games works in joiplay, or maybe you don't know how to use joiplay, just search up in google how to use joiplay. or maybe it's your game file just extract the zip file put what joiplay need.
huh, I use joiplay before, but it doesn't work, it should be the .exe file and run but the joiplay crash :P, have you try this game?
no, I haven't played this game I'll try it on my device, see if it works. edit: negative it's not working
Thanks tangina
Why would i make all the femboys girls?
because femboys are gay, and 90% of the population isn't gay
Liking femboy is just to avoid all the bullshits that women have
You telling me I get to fuck someone super cute and girly but they're also one of the boys?
Sign me the fuck up
There ya go you fucking King.
Well then I am catering to the 10%.
I love femboys.
I'm engaged to a femboy.
This game is for the femboy lovers.
Go play Harem Hotel or What a Legend.
Those are some great straight games.
You dropped this, king 👑
I've got a peer review study here,
(Duke nukem voice)
Its he's Based.
*rock music*
YOOOOOO Congrats king! I wish you all the best in the future!
huge drop in the art compared to the art in the menu, other than that its a good game
good game
If at all possible It would be nice to have an option to choose what pronouns we refer to Hazel as. since we go through most of chapter 1 referring to Hazel as a she. I would prefer calling Hazel by she/her, though it's not a huge deal if not.
Great game so far, looking forward to seeing more.
Im sorry but no
Hazel is a boy with he/him pronouns
There will be other characters with different pronouns but Hazel will always be a guy.
“If there is a hole, there is a goal” - Master Oogway.
Maybe one day
not planning on it though
by any chance once more development is done can u guys think about the idea of making it so we can turn the femboy into a normal girl at the start of the game? i really wanted to play i love the art that ive seen until i noticed the person i was looking at is a dude and ngl im not into that shit personally kinda disappointed because most these new games didnt catch my eye and the 1 that did doesnt even appeal to me
Nah fam, this is pride month, we on that gay shit here
Not closeted but i have expectations especially by porn games the thing is there are just only a few femboy games you can play if you are not in Japanese writing or you have LA Emulator and you search endless on Japanese Websites and you must see there are a diffrence between a femboy and a simple crossdresser the femboy hase a feminine face and body shape its like a shemale but flat and on the right places thin sure you wouldn't find any femboys in reality with this shape but look it's a game that means it could be like in you nicest fantasys and a body with that you want to breed also when it not functions and we as people's they have luck to could say it's not finished we have the chance to constructive criticism for a better result sure there are many tastes out there but if you would take all like it is without say anything like c**ksucking by the chef all would be like it is
I must be drifted into philosophizing
You just admitted that there are few femboy games.
which means there are PLENTY of non-femboy games
Which is why I am making femboy games
So I will never change my vision and add to the myriad of straight female centric games
You don't underst what i would say i have never said you should make a second hole on hazel but if you have read the answer to "JayRipley" completely maybe you understand what i meant yea i think there are too little Femboy games out ther but exactly that is the point why wants to help even if it's not wanted but you must look what you want to do i literally want to give you a hint for the body shape professor Lando has made a since of it he is the Professor of fetish or the femboy professor and especially at the date hazel don't look like a famboy he looks more like a crossdresser what i mean is the body looks to masculine for a "fem"-boy
I will never make a girl version <3
80 nights ago i say im not into that gay shit an i stick by it i forgot what game this is
Hey buddy you should see this
the first design in the coffee shop was realy nice but you didn't have made the eyes feminine at the sex scenes and in late artworks is the body to masculine and the new titlepicture is a bad Break in styleIn v0.7 we are going to be rolling out new art that will be consistent in style
Me like art
take time with da art
no need rush
i gladly wait a million years for stuff like dis
I hope you won't have to wait too long! XD
But I appreciate your support ❤️
Oi, parabéns pelo trabalho e gostaria que tivesse uma personagem gordinha. Um abraço amigo!
Eu vou manter aquilo em mente
Can you please make an android version
Yea i want it too
Why are you changing the already great uhh scenes? First the making of the hazelnut latte then the under the table fun.
What happens under the table in the restaurant has not changed. But it is possible to get a different event depending on your choices.
I am redoing the original art with new art due to the original artist and me wanting a game with a clear style and vision.
I really like it so far, can't wait for more :D
Im so happy you like it!
Much more to come 😁😁
I downloaded this game expecting just porn. I definitely didn't expect a captivating plot too! I really enjoyed the game thus far, and I look forward to seeing what lies in this game's future!
I'm happy you're enjoying the story!! I'm hoping to continue telling a good tale while also providing good lewds too :)
I haven't been here for 4 months, it seems pretty good, im gonna go play it
Android version?
Maybe one day when I eventually figure out how that stuff works. For now I am focusing on making the best computer game I can
Does anyone have a fix for Linux? I tried to play this off my chromebook off the linux client, but whenever I click launch it sends me here
anyone having this problem too?
Just downloaded this AVN. Haven't actually started the story yet. But I just wanted to say that I fucking...LOVE...the disclaimer!
Thank you! XD I felt it was necessary
Barely 30 seconds into the game, came to the comments to see if anyone else had mentioned it. As an escaped $bux barista that little disclaimer filled me with joy. It was super necessary.
:D <3
have plans for Android support?
Love this game you did an amazing job, check mine out :) I think you’ll enjoy it.
I'm glad you liked it! I'll certainly check yours out. Looks fun ;)
Very quick question, will this game let you be a bottom?
I dont have any plans but if the game gets crazy big who knows?
Thank goodness. Hopefully if you do add maybe you can make it optional for those that don't want to do it?
It's my goal that once the game opens up and I go insane from adding in a bunch of femboys, that you can opt in or back out of anything.
So if/when I add the POV bottoming, it will be optional :)
It doesn't let me install it on linux
Can it release on phone
when will 0.4 be available for everyone?
Aiming for the 15th of April!
Better late then never? :D
fun game, the sounds and art are great, story is fun so far, will be fun to see when 0.4 become public and try it out, keep up the great work :D
Thank you so much! Im glad you're enjoying it 🤠
Android plz 🥺
Brothers may have fallen, but I hide in the pile. I am the beast that lays.
I said “Lays” now I am thinking of the chips.
can you make a android version Plssssssssssssssss