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Does anyone know how to get this gallery image?


I do


XD of course you do


Best hentai game i ever played! 10/10, keep working dude! Good luck!

Thank you!

I downloaded the v0.9 but the game ends where isaac goes to the plane.
Am I doing something wrong?

no you just need to wait till v1.0 comes out to continue the story line

I played a week ago and game ends where isaac goes to the plane.I thought v0.8 ends there. I am confused.You sure v0.9 ends there.

as per the changelog

The new content is only accessed before the episode ends as it is an option to go see Jeze before the movie. 


i cant find out how to get the locked ones

howd you get hazels cream and share a treat 2


to get hazels cream i think you need to pick the other two options besides the hazelnut latte 


Hey hopes this helps:

Never Give Up: You must ask Jeze "Wanted to talk to you" before going on the date with Hazel, or going back to your hotel. Then you must day " I'm sorry," and the photo will be unlocked after finishing the dialog with Jeze.

Jeze Prework Out: you must have denied Jeze when going out on the first date with hazel. Then later  you must say "Wanted to take you up on your offer." when Jeze is opening the shop before your date with Hazel.

Hazel Vs The Evil Dead: Say your favorite Evil Dead movie is "Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell"; after some dialog you will unlock the picture.

As for the J&H share a treat I'm still working that one out

Hope this helps <3

It gave me j&h share 2 instead of pre workout

Does anybody know how to get the 5th replay scene?


Hey guys, how do you get these scenes here?

Deleted 41 days ago

You cheater * judges intensely *

0.9 free when?

I just woke up lmao

4 hours after you posted this


What does this mean lmao

Think he meant to say that to JohnVow


>No yaoi/BL tag
>"You are a traveling businessman"

Once again, I am denied the opportunity to play as the femboy, transgirl, & transboy-loving woman I am after being given a glimpse of false hope at the lack of a yaoi/BL Tag...


Most femboy games have you play as the femboy.

Check out Lavey_otokonoko - games


Oh, sorry. I worded my statement ambiguously. I mean that I don't get to play as a female PC who is romancing a femboy

IRL, I'm a woman who loves femboys, but every "romance the femboy" game I can find has a mandatory male protagonist (yet for some reason doesn't label it as a BL/yaoi game, thus getting my hopes up and dashing them).


Ahh, I see.

yeah that is definitely a niche in a niche.

I hope someone comes along and caters to it, or you do what I did and learn to make the game you wanna play  ;)


Yeah, I definitely can't deny that "femboy x woman" is pretty niche. And as someone LGBT herself, the last thing I'd want is to try and make people think women are trying to het-ify a traditionally gay genre.


Cheating on Hazel to get the other scenes made me SO SAD! The music, general wording, EVERYTHING made me feel absolutely terrible about doing it. What a great game 

Deleted 41 days ago

I have tried several ways to play it on my Android phone and it will not work unfortunately i would like to request a refund.

I'm not good at troubleshooting phone stuff but im sure someone here or on my discord can help you out.

And as for a refund, did you pay for the game here or on Patreon?

I paid for the game through here.

So I dont technically sell the game through Itch. That was a donation you made since all my stuff on Itch is free. You probably need to contact Itch support to get a refund.

I'm sorry the game didn't work on your preferred device.

you had it advertised that it works on the device so I gave the money to support you for your work. Unfortunately the game does not work on the advertised plat form. It's disappointing I was excited to play the game.


It works on my Android phone I just think your phone is shitty tbh


And I have given you multiple avenues to help alleviate the issue. 
Again, my Discord server is full of people who have the game on mobile and can assist you.


I paid for the game and it will not download or let me play it.

Free 0.9 when?

This Thursday as the announcement said
so get ready and be prepared to download it the same day


I honestly thought this game was amazing, it had really good dialogue and the way you connect with hazel is extremely human. The writing was really great, you did a good job of making the dialogue natural and I loved the evil dead things in the game. I really hope to see whats to come in future updates of the game and I hope you further continue this game or continue writing in general.

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

Art style is adorable. Love it

BUT, if you're going to have a long exposition on your VN, it needs to be more interesting than a businessman awkwardly flirting in a coffee shop for unironically 100+ lines of dialogue. The game is good but the start made me not want to play it at first. It's so drawn out, but doesn't really attempt to make any shots towards actual sexual tension. It's flirtatiousness for the sake of the writer, not the story.

Also, the line where MC says (something along the lines of) "did my dick just twitch at a guy" feels really out of place and somewhat out of touch in a game that explicitly mentions trans women in the description, ESPECIALLY when we have no idea if the person behind the counter is a femboy or a trans woman. There's better ways to clarify this regardless of the answer. You're better off just writing something like "wow that was hot" instead of implying that the player who just downloaded a porn game about femboys didn't know they were attracted to femboys.

Overall, adorable art style, good game after the intro, but it has an intro that frankly desperately needs to be compressed and rewritten.


Exactly, like, if you watch hazel masturbating and then drinking the coffee anyways, after the bathroom scene it says something about "and that's how you discovered the magical world of femboys* when the dialogues before that literally states that the mc fucked others femboys lmao 😂

Game still good tho




IDK if this is a common issue with Renpy, an error with my install, or just my computer acting up, but when I tried to run this the bottom half of the background image was shifted to the right. And it seems to be only affecting this game. Is there a possible way to fix this, as it's pretty distracting and makes it hard to enjoy this wonderful experience you've made.


try this out :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Are there any plans on being able to play as a female character or even a trans woman yourself?

I'd love to play this as a trans woman, being one myself

I'd gladly support this if that was an option


the amount of additional writing/coding/animating involved in adding even 1 new gender identity/genitalia would be so massive that I honestly can't conceivably do it at my level

Besides, as a cis guy, I'm not sure that's my story to tell


This was so cute! I really love the effort you're putting in to display more of a healthy relationship rather than a pornified, rose-tinted version of reality. The dialogue is snarky and clever, and I enjoy it when you call out tropes and toy with the fourth wall. I'll definitely be playing future updates.


omg i really love this game and im so fucking excited for Future updates <3 (but i feel like i should mention that you missed a small detail on the bridget image, the line across the mark on her forhead. its what changes it from the male mark to the transgender mark which its supposed to be in strive)

Someone please tell me how I get the last scene in the replay gallary 😭😭 ive been doing everything my little idiot brain can think of and I cant figure it out


I like the game but I don't know how to unlock the full gallery

(1 edit) (+4)

Came for a quick nut. Left with me messaging my boyfriend about watching evil dead.

Deleted 192 days ago

That's an odd question but I'll tackle it.

This is my part time job, hoping on full time. This game is how I can afford rent.

If suddenly everyone dumped this game I'd listen to the reasons why, try to fix it, and if I can't fix it or if everyone just dumps it forever, I'd stop development.

Deleted 243 days ago

😭 nuuu!!! remove the cheating


You can just not cheat.


but they all so hawt


so played version 0.8 yesterday and can say, its def just as nice as before, bit dissapointed, well very dissapointed that we got robbed of the jeze scene but very very much eagerly looking forward to that in the next update~ cant have enugh of "everyones favorite waiter" afterall xd 


i should watch evil dead


This game is lowkey the Evil Dead advertisement hidden behind the facade of femboy bussy. Before, i barely knew anything about it and watched only like one season of serial, but now i want to watch everything in the franchise.

About the game itself I have too many thougts to put them into words, gonna save them for future when the game will be finished.
Untill then, my mind will be a blur of worry and breadsticks. 

What i can say for sure right now is that it is already one of my favourite nsfw games and definitely the best femboy game, at least on itch. Maybe even one of my favourite VN's in general.

10 gay frogs out of 10 lesbian trains. Keep it up 👍


Oh and i wanted to point out the voicing, i wasn't actually expecting it here and it adds extra charm to the game.

upd: i've watched everything in the franchise. The best one horror-vise is 2013 remake but my favorite is Evil Dead 2. 

I never was huge into horror films but now i want to watch the rest of the classics. 

Oh and also because of it i returned into DBD.

That's what one good bussy does to a mf


An amazing game with a story that catches you easily, I look forward to the day it's over.


How do i get the very last gallery image?

i didnt think this game had any game-overs until i went through it a second time to collect everything, then i found a tonn! anyhoo, great game, lots of fun, cant wait for it to be fully completed. 


Oh yeah, lots of ways to "lose" so to speak.

love it, cant wait for next chapters

Deleted post

How do I get the scene between "Hazel's Restaurant BJ" and "Jeze kitchen Blowjob"?

pick hazelnut latte, cum during bj, dont confront

(1 edit) (+1)

Wooo thank you for the android vers! Just came back after a couple week to check on this game and very happy to find you managed to work on the android!

(May be a little late to the party but summer is over so yeah ty tho!)


I love the connection between Hazel and the protagonist, please keep updating the game because it has incredible potential and you are exploiting it very well, I love it


I didnt cry playing this :') not at all



this is by far the best visual novel I've ever played, I can't wait for the next episode 


This is so well made, I can really feel the passion for it. Absolutely deserves more recognition, because WOW, this is so good! I also found all the Evil Dead stuff really charming. I think it’s really fun when artists put pieces of themselves into their work like that, makes it feel a lot more human and personal. I can’t wait to see where you take this in the future! Waiting with bated breath to see what comes next.


This is awesome

I have trouble joining the discord server, can you make a new link?

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