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Hey ! This game is fire, i enjoy it so much. Just wonder how to get becca poster and becca pinup?

Check the apartment

Hello! I wanted to ask if there are any more interactions with Davi or Hazel's boss besides the ones I had in my campaign

Since i dont know what you specifically did, maybe? Probably?


Ok, im not attracted to femboys (although I am obsessed with futas) yet this game, this damn game has my dick in its grasp, i keep finding myself cumming back for more... all jokes aside this game is a 9/10 so far, absolutely love the story and i want hazel to "work for it" more often. subscribing to patreon asap

Very nice game

رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"

How to get the last two scenes?

Play through the entire game romancing hazel, not cheating, not having any sexual interactions, and then you get threesome at the end, when hazel leaves for work when you are at her place, thighfuck robbie and talk with him, it will unlock the dialogue for the last 2 scenes.

Mine's not unlocking 


played through the first 2 episodes and just wanted to ask ahead of time seen as there is multiple characters. Is there a harem side to it or planned?




great to hear! love harem games. been loving all the characters so far. the writing is tops btw, feels so natural.

This tempted me to play this game and it successfully did

Hell yeah

 HD-DVD really?

Hahaha welcome to my alternate reality!

Alright so I'm confused how does Robbie have a vagina if it's a boy is it a trans boy?


You remember the part where Robbie says he is a trans guy?

no I'm a horn dog not there for the story just the scenes


The ultimate PlayStation blockbusters meme thread (heavy GIF ITT) | NeoGAF

Also, I think Hazel's dick is bugged when you take him to the hotel after the date when selecting "put your hand in his thigh" option because when I slid up his skirt it shows something that's not a dick

It's an impressionest penist

(1 edit)

What is that?

Edit: after some researching my browser sais it's a prostetic dick, that's not right, right?

I was just making a joke. Yeah, it's not supposed to be a highly detailed dick

Okay, I really thought I was stupid for a second there, but thanks for the answer


Hey RadLord, I'm really enjoying this game and I just want to say fuck you (as a joke) because now I'm into femboys


No shit i think i might be into femboys now, I love this, keep up the good work man, this is awesome.


This game made me question my sexuality, 10/10.

This is one of the best visual novels I have played. I thought going in to this It wouldn't be that long but after episode 2 I did not expect more. I really hope the full release gets an android version (I played it on android) and I did wishlist it on steam. I do hope this game does become a full game and the best wishes to the developer for making this game

Is there a guide somewhere for this game? I have absolutely no clue how to get the center scene on the first page of the gallery.

(1 edit)

you need to get a hazelnut latte, Don't watch him make it, finish from bj in the bathroom, and immediately wait for hazel in the restaurant


its a really good footjob scene btw

what’s the story standpoint (in the very beginning when coffee is spilled on your pants) for a game over if declining Hazel in the bathroom? 


Im not sure what you mean

Який пароль від дверей там треба ввести 4 цифри?


This is Without a doubt my favorite adult game, I'll definitely pick it up on steam when it releases, thank you for your hard work.

Thank you 😁


Awesome update, well worth the wait! While the lewd aspects are undeniably hot, I thoroughly enjoy the writing. It natural, it's comedic, it's enjoyable, and it's intriguing. Long story short, I'm invested. Good work! Keep it up. 


Thank you!

How do i get jeze pre workout and jeze and hazel share a treat ive tried everything i can and still got nothing no idea if my game glitched or something

(2 edits)

Hey the game wont download when it hits 500 mb it gets cancelled and says that its forbidden. Plz help

(3 edits)

Well I'm using Android same happened , I used mobile data it uploaded so maybe open your mobile data? 🤔

If your on samsung i recomend use Samsung internet it downloaded for me when I used it hope this helps

Hey my games dosent seem to save after i leave an come back what to do when that happen?

Are you just closing out of the game and expecting it to save?

You gotta save manuallly


I have a question, when Hazel asks you if you're polyamorous or not will that affect any future content?


miss pauling wake the [2fort] up a new update dropped.

Will not let me install.

I'm not letting you install the Android download bro, why am I sad?

Will not let me install.


This game is absolute art, been following since before the art was updated and am so happy to see it grow, gonna have to start throwing money at you. Thanks for your hardwork! Also the push to finally give The Evil Dead series a shot haha.




hey, sorry if this is a stupid question but how do I get the voices to work? asking cuz I noticed the game apparently has voice acting but it doesnt seem to work for me


It does not have full voice acting. Some lines are voices, usually during lewd scenes.

ah, alright. thanks.




Can you add n word in the game


I think the fact that you cant even say it is all the answer you need

Deleted post

It is


Deleted 257 days ago

In wich time does it release i Know today but when today?


I live in PST

It's 10 30 pm for me right now and I'm about to go to bed so it'll happen at some point tomorrow.


Oh okay i think your awake now so when do you Upload?


Can i eat breakfast xD




The game is honestly amazing,the art is great,the characters are extremelly well written,Hazel is pretty relatable and Jeze...Jeze needs a hug,because that backstory,sheesh! Can't wait for the future,and hope everything goes well for you and your partner!

Thank you so much!

Deleted post

Hey! There is a scene where you can cheat on the main love interest. But it is completely optional and not needed to continue the story. And you can get that scene with that same character later without the cheating.
As for sharing, I haven't gotten that far. But what I will say is that every single lewd scene in optional.
You can even do none if you wish.

Deleted post

The player character has the option to cheat.

Deleted post

Are there any plans for a female or trans protagonists? I kinda see a femboy game and assume I can be anything other than faceless masculine white guy #12. No shade to you specifically I just hate how many porn games have no customization at all and use the same blank ass default mii. Look for real though this game is amazing and I wish you all the luck and love, congrats on the marriage (or engagement ngl I didnt really read the post) and it would mean a lot if you made this change. 


Hello! And thank you :)
I just want to say that for this game, it sounds like you probably aren't my target audience. Which is fine.
But adding the option for the protagonist to be female or trans would be such a massive overhaul and would cost a lot of time and money.
The story would have to be fundamentally rewritten to account for those unique perspectives. All of the art and animations would have to redone to account for different genitalia.
It would be a lot, especially for someone who is not female or trans. I don't think I'm the right person to tell that story.

I understand that you want that, but just know that a game like mine didn't really exist so I made this game.

Be the change you want to see in the world <3


This Game is Fire not just because of the porn but the story is a 10/10. And i have a question when will v0.10 come out for everyone (btw im straight but idc i people think im gay im jerking on that idc)


The public version should be out on the 12th.
And uh huh, sure buddy :)

Congratulations on the marriage best wishes to both you and your partner! I was just wondering can the current Patreon version of the game 0.10.4 be played on an Android device?

Yeah all my builds now work on Android.


When will the update be available to the public, just asking?


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